Fretmentor Group Classes

Class Instruction for students.
Its that time of year again. A new year, new year resolutions, and proud new owners of musical instruments acquired from the holiday. Now the hard part. How do you learn to play guitar, banjo or mandolin or another instrument? Where do you go for instruction?
There are many means of instruction. Some are free; such as free online tutorials. Others are an investment; such as private instruction. A good bargain that fits somewhere in between is your local community education programs, which are taught at a neighborhood high school. For instance, starting January 22nd, I will be offering many cost effective music classes at the local high school here in Jupiter, Florida. If you are in the area, I would encourage you to sign up for these classes.
Here is the itinerary for this term: Presents:
The following fretmentor music classes are being offered through the Palm Beach County Community Education. Classes will be held at Jupiter Community High School on Monday and Tuesday nights. Registration can be done in person at the school or online at
Jupiter Community High School:
Register online (at or in person) starting January8th Classes are for 8 weeks 1/22 – 3/13 2018
- Playing Bluegrass & Acoustic Music – Mon 7:00-8:00pm
- Learning 5 String Banjo & Mandolin (combined class) – Monday 5:30-7:00PM
- Children’s Guitar – Tuesday 4:35-5:35
- Adult Beginner’s Guitar – Tuesday 5:45-6:45
- Music Theory & Appreciation for all instruments – Tuesday at 7 PM
- Blues & Rock Music for Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin & Fiddle – Tuesday at 8PM
There are many benefits for the student and the instructor when teaching in a classroom setting. The students get to meet others, learn an instrument in a cost effective manner and get valuable playing experience. The teacher, on the other hand, has the opportunity to develop a network of music students upon which to grow a business.
More detail can be provided in a later Fretmentor’s Blog, to further explain the pros and cons of classroom teaching. Until then, have a wonderful new year.